Pantribe Summercamp and Gathering brings you top-of-the-line teachers and performers for an immersive 5-day program in the beautiful setting of Koningsteen in Belgium.
Learn from top teachers. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced player, the content is adapted to 4 different skill levels. We will have 6 teachers this year... so we can keep small groups and more levels.
Every evening, there will be intimate, unplugged concerts with the teachers.
On Friday and Saturday, it's time for the serious stuff... And what an amazing line-up we have for you this year!
Manu Delago will be back with his new show, The Trouble Notes will stir up the party; we've got Archer and Tripp, David Charrier, David Kuckhermann, Tom Vaylo, Laurent Sureau, Jeremy Nattagh, Quentin Kayser, Akshay Chadwa, Rosie Bergonzi, Olive, Gerard Spencer, Romain Geuzaine, Dj Karoo...
and top sound engineer Alexandre Chaigne will make it all sound perfect!
Have a look at the full program, it will be more in detail as we get closer to the event, but we can already tell you that Manu Delago and The Trouble Notes will perform on Saturday.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Danny & the Pantribe Volunteers team
PS: Yes we added a day to August... The Sunday 32nd ;-)