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Pantribe Summercamp and Gathering réunit des professeurs et des artistes de haut niveau pour un programme immersif de 5 jours dans le cadre magnifique de Koningsteen en Belgique. 

Apprenez auprès des meilleurs professeurs. Que vous soyez débutant absolu ou joueur expérimenté, le contenu est adapté à 4 niveaux de compétence différents. Nous aurons 6 professeurs cette année... pour pouvoir garder des petits groupes et plus de niveaux.

Chaque soir, des concerts intimistes et débranchés avec les professeurs auront lieu.

Le vendredi et le samedi, place aux choses sérieuses... Et quelle programmation incroyable nous vous proposons cette année !

Manu Delago sera de retour avec son nouveau spectacle, The Trouble Notes va animer la fête ; Nous avons Archer et Tripp, David Charrier, David Kuckhermann, Tom Vaylo, Laurent Sureau, Jeremy Nattagh, Quentin Kayser, Akshay Chadwa, Rosie Bergonzi, Olive, Gerard Spencer, Romain Geuzaine, Dj Karoo...

et l'excellent ingénieur du son Alexandre Chaigne rendra le tout parfait !

Jetez un oeil au programme complet, il sera plus détaillé à mesure que l'on se rapproche de l'événement, mais on peut déjà vous dire que Manu Delago et The Trouble Notes se produiront samedi.

Au plaisir de vous y voir !



Début: 27 August 2024
Fin: 1 September 2024

Koningsteen vzw, Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium

1880 Kapelle-op-den-Bos Flanders



Manu Delago

Performer (AT)
Manu Delago

David Charrier

Teacher & Performer (FR)
David Charrier

David Kuckhermann

Teacher and performer
David Kuckhermann

Adrian Portia

Teacher and Performer (AUS)
Adrian Portia

Quentin Kayser

Teacher and Performer (FRA)
Quentin Kayser

Jeremy Nattagh

Teacher & Performer (FRA)
Jeremy Nattagh
  • Jeremy Nattagh

    Originally a classical flute player, Jeremy Nattagh has explored a wide range of instruments and style in music, spanning from jazz piano to gospel drums, from pop rock electric bass to movie soundtracks producing. His various melodic and harmonic explorations as a composer and a percussionist brought him naturally to a deep connection with the handpans. Building rich harmonies around very clear melodies, Jeremy has baffled all his audiences with his hand/feet combinations, adding flavored live effects. His technique is always wisely used for a musical result, and his quest is to create the purest and most moving music possible.

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Rosie Bergonzi

Teacher and Performer (UK)
Rosie Bergonzi

Tom Vaylo

Performer (FRA)
Tom Vaylo

Josephine Wild

Performer (FRA)
Josephine Wild

Archer and Tripp

Performers (GER)
Archer and Tripp

Gerard Spencer

Performer (BE)
Gerard Spencer

Laurent Sureau

Performer (FRA)
Laurent Sureau

The Trouble Notes

Performers (DE)
The Trouble Notes

Jan van Berkel

Performer (NL)
Jan van Berkel


Performer (BE)

Couple Positive

Performer (NL)
  • Couple Positive

    Couple Positive Uplifting Collective


    Couple Positive is a dynamic musical duo consisting of Hassie Dune (NL) and Ania Brzezińska (PL), known for their unique blend of uplifting, rhythmic, and culturally diverse music. They aim to inspire and connect audiences through their performances, which range from meditative acoustic sets to energetic funky music . Their sound is a rich tapestry of groovy melodies, poetry, loops & electronics, with a touch of African, Brazilian and Indian influences.


    Together with Wouter Schueler (saxophones, bansuri flutes) & Yael Peles (vocals, percussion) they form Positive Uplifting Collective.


    Ania Brzezińska, trumpetist from Poland with a deep appreciation for non-Western musical techniques from South India. Her extensive musical journey has taken her from classical studies in Wrocław to jazz conservatory in Amsterdam, and performances across Mexico and Europe. Besides, Ania developed skills on brazilian percussion and after 4 years of playing with Bandgladesh group, she fell in love with the handpan and started exploring new grounds.


    Hassie Dune from Amsterdam, started studying drums in a conservatory but changed his direction to study antropology. He chose "live performing" as his path to develop skills on bass, percussion and N'goni (a West-African harp) exploring the social, cultural, and medicinal aspects of music. Together, they create immersive musical experiences that resonate with audiences at festivals, clubs and spiritual ceremonies. Their performances are not just about the music but also about fostering a sense of community and positive energy, making Couple Positive a unique and engaging act in the contemporary music scene.


    For more information, you can visit their official website 


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Romain Geuzaine

Performer (BE)
Romain Geuzaine
  • Romain Geuzaine

    Self-taught author, composer and producer, Robin Scott Fleming is a multiinstrumentalist artist. As a child, he already tested the different sounds of his daily life - the spoon on the cup, the tree branches transformed into sticks on stones... As a teenager, after a stint in Rock and Pop music, he discovered the Didgeridoo and its sound vibrations. From then on, he explores world music, conscious and curious of the powers of healing sounds. He is solicited by the advertising world and starts composing music for television commercials, documentary and films. Through this experience, he discovers the programming of electronic soundtracks. Always on the lookout for new sounds, he encounters the magical melodic percussion “Handpan” and creates compositions with soothing and relaxing virtues. Robin has been singing since his childhood and considers his voice to be a multifaceted instrument. He perfected his skills in overtone throat singing, originally from Mongolia. Today, Robin has extensif experience in the filed of energetic healing techniques and was able to creates a parallel between his musical universe and the energy that emanates from it. He’s main purpose is to offer organic music compositions with beneficial intentions - To explore and share the purity and sacred roots of sound!

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Koné Moerman

Performer (BE)
  • Koné Moerman

    Koné is a 23-year-old artist, musician, and producer from Leuven, Belgium. He developed a passion for percussion instruments at an early age and started playing on an old ceramic darbuka his parents brought back from Tunisia when he was just six years old. Over the years, he has gained extensive experience playing in and writing for various projects, including fantom, ozok, Tragic Eyes, Struggles in Paradise, Majé, Amrita Khan, Mikael Belkher, INFADER, Yaye Daro, Tribal Twins, MAVEE, TROY, Dana Gillespie (ex David Bowie), Celenges, Vinci, Deadbeat Larry, Joël Francis and more.

    In his solo project you can hear his dedication to traditional percussion instruments from around the world, with the handpan taking centre stage. His debut EP will highlight the specialty of Koné: blending the handpan in full productions. Recently Koné had some major changes happening in his life: he finished his studies, decided to do music full-time, built a recording studio in a van and is now travelling around Europe sharing his music. Koné also decided to focus more on handpan and announced that he is working on an acoustic handpan album that will be released this year.

    ​All Koné’s songs are deeply connected with his personal experiences in life. Topics such as mental health, mindset, meditation, and manifestation are really important to him so you can expect spiritual music, healing songs, high vibe sounds and meaningful lyrics.

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Robin Scott Fleming

Robin Scott Fleming
  • Robin Scott Fleming

    Self-taught author, composer and producer, Robin Scott Fleming is a multiinstrumentalist artist. As a child, he already tested the different sounds of his daily life - the spoon on the cup, the tree branches transformed into sticks on stones... As a teenager, after a stint in Rock and Pop music, he discovered the Didgeridoo and its sound vibrations. From then on, he explores world music, conscious and curious of the powers of healing sounds. He is solicited by the advertising world and starts composing music for television commercials, documentary and films. Through this experience, he discovers the programming of electronic soundtracks. Always on the lookout for new sounds, he encounters the magical melodic percussion “Handpan” and creates compositions with soothing and relaxing virtues. Robin has been singing since his childhood and considers his voice to be a multifaceted instrument. He perfected his skills in overtone throat singing, originally from Mongolia. Today, Robin has extensif experience in the filed of energetic healing techniques and was able to creates a parallel between his musical universe and the energy that emanates from it. He’s main purpose is to offer organic music compositions with beneficial intentions - To explore and share the purity and sacred roots of sound!

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Christophe Tonneau

Performer (BE)
  • Christophe Tonneau

    Outre mon Amour pour la musique, j’aime aller à la rencontre des personnes, partager…

    J’ai toujours aimé transmettre, soutenir, prendre soin.

    En 2017, après une réflexion personnelle sur « qui je suis réellement et quel est mon but dans la vie », je prends conscience de cette envie de partager et d’aider grâce à la musique. Je possède certaines bases qui me permettent de proposer rapidement des cours de musique ainsi que de la relaxation en Voyage Sonore.

    En octobre 2017, je m’inscris au Centre Benenzon Belgique et entame la formation en vue du titre de « Technicien en thérapie non-verbale benenzonienne ». C’est une révélation! Le modèle Benenzon est un des cinq modèles de musicothérapie reconnu à travers le monde et son approche non-verbale permettant d’exprimer, consciemment et/ou inconsciemment, ses émotions me passionne. Je suis actuellement toujours en cours de formation et ne cesse d’apprendre de nouvelles choses.

    Début 2018, je décide de lancer officiellement Quinte&Sens. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit d’une activité complémentaire mais mon souhait est de pouvoir en vivre à part entière.

    Actuellement, je suis responsable des pôles musique-danse et artistiques aux Chemins d’Ariane – IMS de Ciney.

    Je suis également musicothérapeute au SAJA de Schaltin.

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DJ Kaaruu

DJ Kaaruu

Milena Holtz

Performer (DE)
Milena Holtz

Alexandre Chaigne

Sound Engineer (FR)
Alexandre Chaigne

Danny Stevens

Your host & presenter (BE)
Danny Stevens

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